Saturday, November 10, 2012

Some Recent Makeup Looks - 7 Day Coastal Scents/BH Cosmetics Challenge

This colorful look came from one of my BH Cosmetics Palettes. I was playing in makeup last Saturday and decided to try the double wing eyeliner look that I saw on You Tube. It came out pretty good in my opinion. I will definitely do it again! I already have the look in mind that I want to do with it.
Cool Shimmer BH Cosmetics Palette (orange, fushia, purple, blue)
Mac Dirty Plum on cheeks
Viva Glam Nicky Lipglass

BH Cosmetics tropical matte palette (was going for a bronze/orange smokey eye look)
Mac Ambering Rose on Cheeks
Sephora Lipgloss - i cant remember the name

This is one of my favorite color schemes to use. FUSHIA!
I used the 78 color eyeshadow/blush palette from Coastal Scents
as well as the blush in the palette
This was my first time using the Luxurious Pink Lip Look Bag from the MAC Glamour Days Collection.
Cremesheen Lipstick - Lickable
Lip Liner - Great Catch
Cremesheen Lipglass - Call Me Gorgeous

This one and the one below is a look that was inspired by one of my Instagram buddies. I was going for a yellow look. However, her yellow was a super awesome bright yellow. My palette only included mild, neutral yellow tones.
Again this is the Coastal Scents Palette
Mac Ambering Rose on cheeks
Loreal Volcanic

Beauty on a Budget: Ruby Kisses 3D Concealer

Ruby Kisses 3D Face Creator 12 Hour Long Wear Concealer.
$4.99 at my local beauty supply store

I recently picked this up at the beauty supply store last weekend. I've been wearing it all week and so far I love it! I've been trying to find a concealer that matches the way I want it to match. This item has two colors that closely match. I purchased a level 9 which after looking at the Ruby Kisses website seems to be the lightest shade in the african american skin tones.

I use concealer to sculpt my eye brows and for a little highlight under my eyes. I dont use a lot of it but it still needs to be the right concealer to keep me from looking like a ghost.

I have several different brands of concealer and so far this is at the top of the list. 2nd on the list? Mac Studio Fix Concealer with spf 35. I love those to but I dont quite have the colors that I like. I have them in NC45 and NC35. I need once in between those two colors. The cost of those are $15 which is a little pricey. I also have a Revlon Photo Ready concealer stick. I think that cost me $7.99. I like it enough but its not one of my favorites. I do like how it looks in photos so it serves its purpose.

I'm glad I purchased this.  I had seen it a few times and was thinking about checking it out and I'm glad I finally did.

Beauty on a Budget: Olay ProX

I am ridiculously behind on my postings so while I have some time today I'm just going to bust them out! Stay tuned!

So I've been pinning over the Clarisonic facial cleanser thingy for sometime now. I just couldn't wrap my mind around the price for the thing in my head. Luckily I saw this little do-hickey...the Olay ProX Advanced Cleaning System.  The price for the Clarisonic model (from what I've seen) can run you from $119-199. I found this baby at (one of my new favorite websites) on sale for $28.99. I can't really compare it to the Clarisonic because I don't have one but I can say for the price of this one it is worth a try.

 I actually purchased it a few months ago and tucked it away under my bathroom cabinet and it got lost in Never-Never Land. So a couple of weeks ago it surfaced again and I decided to use it. Since I have been wearing more makeup lately I needed something better to get rid of all the makeup in one wash. I was using a couple of things to cleanse my face but they all seemed to leave some remnants of makeup behind so I found myself washing my face 2-3 times a day.

I am so glad I purchased this thing. My face feels totally refreshed when I use it. But I do have to double up on the moisterizer afterwards. It comes with some Olay Exfoliating cleanser in a sample size. The full size runs about $15 on I love that stuff as well. I will be investing in more of it. I may try the olay moisterizer too. I hear that it is very good for aging skin.

If you have one of these or a clarisonic let me know what you think about it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

VIDEO: Hairtopia Virgin Brazilian Wavy Hair

The video speaks for itself.

Hairtopia Corp is back with a new website and more variety of hair in their inventory. Check out this Virgin Brazilian Wavy Hair that I received as well as the U-part wig that I made with the hair.