Saturday, November 10, 2012

Beauty on a Budget: Ruby Kisses 3D Concealer

Ruby Kisses 3D Face Creator 12 Hour Long Wear Concealer.
$4.99 at my local beauty supply store

I recently picked this up at the beauty supply store last weekend. I've been wearing it all week and so far I love it! I've been trying to find a concealer that matches the way I want it to match. This item has two colors that closely match. I purchased a level 9 which after looking at the Ruby Kisses website seems to be the lightest shade in the african american skin tones.

I use concealer to sculpt my eye brows and for a little highlight under my eyes. I dont use a lot of it but it still needs to be the right concealer to keep me from looking like a ghost.

I have several different brands of concealer and so far this is at the top of the list. 2nd on the list? Mac Studio Fix Concealer with spf 35. I love those to but I dont quite have the colors that I like. I have them in NC45 and NC35. I need once in between those two colors. The cost of those are $15 which is a little pricey. I also have a Revlon Photo Ready concealer stick. I think that cost me $7.99. I like it enough but its not one of my favorites. I do like how it looks in photos so it serves its purpose.

I'm glad I purchased this.  I had seen it a few times and was thinking about checking it out and I'm glad I finally did.

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