Saturday, November 10, 2012

Beauty on a Budget: Olay ProX

I am ridiculously behind on my postings so while I have some time today I'm just going to bust them out! Stay tuned!

So I've been pinning over the Clarisonic facial cleanser thingy for sometime now. I just couldn't wrap my mind around the price for the thing in my head. Luckily I saw this little do-hickey...the Olay ProX Advanced Cleaning System.  The price for the Clarisonic model (from what I've seen) can run you from $119-199. I found this baby at (one of my new favorite websites) on sale for $28.99. I can't really compare it to the Clarisonic because I don't have one but I can say for the price of this one it is worth a try.

 I actually purchased it a few months ago and tucked it away under my bathroom cabinet and it got lost in Never-Never Land. So a couple of weeks ago it surfaced again and I decided to use it. Since I have been wearing more makeup lately I needed something better to get rid of all the makeup in one wash. I was using a couple of things to cleanse my face but they all seemed to leave some remnants of makeup behind so I found myself washing my face 2-3 times a day.

I am so glad I purchased this thing. My face feels totally refreshed when I use it. But I do have to double up on the moisterizer afterwards. It comes with some Olay Exfoliating cleanser in a sample size. The full size runs about $15 on I love that stuff as well. I will be investing in more of it. I may try the olay moisterizer too. I hear that it is very good for aging skin.

If you have one of these or a clarisonic let me know what you think about it.

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