Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Some of My Favorite Looks of 2012

This post is just a look back at some of my favorite #FOTD's that I have posted to Instagram over the last couple of months. Since joining Instagram my makeup game has really grown and given me a new passion. I've always loved everything beauty and hair including makeup, clothes, shoes, etc...but here lately I have taken it to new levels.  I want to try to do better with this blog and actually detail what I have used to create the looks and the inspiration for it. I am a horrible procrastinator and always say I'm going to do it later and it never gets done. And also in the back of my mind i'm like..."aint nobody reading my blog anyway." So I take my time about getting things done but my promise to me is that i'm going to do better! Because I really do want folks to read this blog! lol

My four most fav looks of the last couple months.....

love this lip color! Wet n Wild Cherry Picking and Mac Currant lip liner

love love looooove this!!! I can't believe I did it.

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